Let's get started, today we're looking at pages that all websites should have to improve trustworthiness.
Just a quick piece of housekeeping: wherever you see one of these 🔲 checkboxes, that's an action.
Why 💡
Google ranks your site based on how trustworthy it is. Whilst it's debated if these pages are direct ranking signals, adding these pages the right way can improve how Google perceives your site.
To do ✅
Build an effective about page
Who are you? Who is behind this business and why should users trust you? What authority do you have?
Take the opportunity to earn Google's trust and show people what you're all about. Include your mission and the people behind your site. It's important you don't just hide behind a logo.
🔲 Use this guide to get inspiration and learn which factors to consider when creating an about page.
Build a TOS and a Privacy Policy page
Most people see these pages as boring and delay adding them to their site. We know that Google pays attention to them as it requires their Adsense publishers to have them.
🔲 Put together an SEO optimized privacy policy page
🔲 Put together an SEO optimized TOS page
That's all for today, tune in tomorrow where we'll be getting some fundamental SEO tools set up.
How adding TOS and PP pages be beneficial to my personal website on which I offer product design (UX/UI) services?